Thursday, January 5, 2012

There is a Time for Everything

And a season for every activity under the heavens.  (Ecclesiastes 3)

A time for bringing home our tree,

And a time for cleaning up the needles.  We are that family that keeps it up until Epiphany (tomorrow)!

A time for lighting the candles on the Advent wreath, and a time for noticing how the blue drips have accumulated on top of the purple ones.

A time for sending and receiving cards, and a time for taking them down and finishing the thank-you notes.

I rather like the rhythm of it all, the bustle and excitement of the holidays, followed by the relative still and quiet of January.  I find myself longing for more cups of tea and good books, more time for prayer and reflection.  I want to work on that wool sweater for myself--I purchased the yarn back in September, but there were Christmas gifts to finish first--and to perhaps, finally, start on that quilt.

A time for everything.

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