Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Days 7 & 8 and Voting

I forgot that my husband has the ability to accidentally erase Sharpie with his bare hands, so I lost my word count for yesterday.

Combined Word Count for Days 7 and 8:

The nice thing about aiming for more words than I actually need to reach my goal is that even when I fall short, I'm not really behind. 

Total Word Count:
15,198/50,000 (30%)

I hope I don't ruin my good streak by telling you this, but I am really enjoying writing.  Instead of hitting the week 2 slump I feel like I'm hitting my stride.  It's so nice to have a small part of my day that is calm and focused.  And the more I write, the easier it seems to be.  (I sound about due for a major creative block, don't I?)

Members of Household Over 18 Who Voted Today:
2 (100%)

Yet again we had a mix up about voting.  We told Betsy we were all going to vote after dinner, and she and Abigail would be allowed to watch but they couldn't actually vote yet.  Yes, we could have each gone without the kids, but Matthew and I think it's important for them to witness us doing our civic duty.  And they get stickers.  There was some fussing from Betsy about how unfair this was that she couldn't vote, but she eventually resigned herself to the fact, and sweetly offered to help keep her sister out of the water.  Yes, for the second year in a row, she thought we were going boating without her.  In November, after dark, at the local High School.

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