We often play a game called When We Get a House, in which we name all kinds of things we'd have in our fantasy home. Things like a screened-in porch, and a basement where we can store our camping equipment, and an indoor pool with water slides. (What? We didn't say these were necessarily practical things.) But the one non-negotiable is that When We Get a House, we'll have a yard with space for a vegetable garden. We'd love to be able to grow enough to feed our family, share with others, and freeze and can for the winter.
For now, however, we'll continue to get creative with the container gardening on our patio. I've been doing some research about how to maximize space and encourage my little plants. My goal for the summer is to beat last year's crop of 3 tomatoes. This might seem like a small goal, but last year's was my best tomato crop ever. If nothing else, this will be an entertaining family project and learning experience.

As per recommendations in Square Foot Gardening, I'm starting with a new soil mix.

A teeny tiny carrot. I've never grown carrots before. We started them from seedlings at my mom's house.

The most important and most fun job of all.

Tired after a long evening of "helping" (gleefully crawling away to eat mulch).
Mulch is *delicious*.
ReplyDeleteAnd full of fiber!