Monday, September 26, 2011


It's amazing how much kids learn in their first year of life, just from hanging around big people and watching what we do.
Today Abigail put on a toy baby carrier, headed for the door and yelled, "Go!"

You can't really tell in the picture, but with her left arm she's patting the monkey's back. Aww, look how she learned to care for her monkey.  It must be from all that great parenting we've done.

But she comes up with some of this stuff on her own, I swear!  We did not teach her this Flipping Monkey Upside Down move.  Well, I didn't anyway.
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  1. She wasn't at the meeting I demoed upsidedown toddlerwearing, so I can't take the blame either.

  2. Ha! I did think about that picture when I was posting this.
