Monday, December 5, 2011

4. Useless Gifts

I'm not talking about the kinds of useless gifts that are beautiful or hilarious or made with love by well-meaning admirers.  Those can be awesome.  I'm talking about the ones like this:

Regifted in white elephants and secret Santa exchanges continuously from 1992-present, the identity of the original giver has long since been lost. 

A small sticker on the bottom of the leaning tower of chocolates indicates that it was originally purchased for $3.99 at a discount store that has since gone out of business.  It is unclear when the jar of peppers in oil became part of the gift.  It is rumored that they joined the chocolates in a regifting in the economic boom years of the late 1990s.  Now it seems a shame to split them up.

Nobody wants to receive these, but nobody wants to throw them away because, "the packaging is so pretty, and they seem so happy together.  I'll just regift them."

Ho ho ho!  There are more Unnecessary Winter Holiday Traditions.  Oh yes, really.

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