Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten Loves (#2: Doodling)

For the last ten days until graduation, ten things for which I am super thankful.
#2: Doodling

There is something about being physically stuck somewhere boring that gives the mind permission to wander. Official Art Time can be intimidating, what with the nagging desire to Use Time Wisely and to Create Something Great. But doodling isn't supposed to be great art; it's just fun, a way to escape.

Some of my best creative ideas have had their roots in doodles scrawled during math class or staff meetings. I miss that time when I had no choice but to sit still for a while and draw. (In between Important Intellectual Discussions and lots of Learning, of course. Ahem.) I don't have that forced down time anymore, but I am trying to make time to doodle. And it is still great fun.

But I fear that dooding will soon be a lost art. I'm resisting getting an iPhone because I don't want to be tempted to spend more time online. Really, does the world need another status update of "Waiting to pick up the kids," or "Tuesday again!"? Next time you have a few minutes to spare, why not try a little doodling instead?
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